
Tuesday, 17 April 2012

The Amazing Australia

Develops as a modern, rich nation with a per capita income comparable to United States, undergoes less pollution. Have you ever thinking of experiencing similar climates to California and abounding in a mesmerise natural beauty and resources, well then, welcome to Australia!

Plus, Australia holds considerable fascination for people all over the world and you shouldn't missed this once a life time chance! You may be the luckiest person who can win a chance for a free first class accommodation during your tour to this amazing country when you register before the end of this month. So, be hurry and grab this opportunity!

I'm sure you will regret when you miss the chance to experience the mesmerise summer at the seaside, the fascinate autumn during March till May, the hypnotise winter into your vein when having a good time with board ski, from June to August or check out on awesome spring from September till November.

On the other hand, Aussie is safe for your visit and a drug free environment. Plus, the narrow gap between the rich and poor, may reduce your worries about racism. However, you shouldn't use thumbs up sign as in hitch hiking or wink at women. Besides that, tipping can be taken as an insulation and you are advice to ride up next to the driver.

Australians have their unique accent where you are open to learn it. Their accent being peppered with remarkable, colourful expressions. Plus, they are warm with jokes as you're being too serious. So take them in stride. Instead using 'Sir', Australians are being friendly to be call as 'mate'. 

As they are friendly, you may bring along wine, chocolates, flowers or folk crafts as you're invited to hangout at their lovely home. Besides that, they are good to have a talk about sports. Somehow, take their argue as their respect as they're welcoming your opinion either.

Have you ever hear about D.I.Y? Well, Australians mostly independent and living in single-family homes on fairly large lots. Plus, they practise to have servant in the house. So, just lend your hand while spending time with them. Well, I'm sure either I or them will not disappointing you.

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